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Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Country Fried Salmon

Have you ever heard of fried Salmon, well we definitely have, we like frying it as well as baking it here at my home! I think I like it fried better than I like it baked or grilled. We usually fried it with some kick to it! I like to start off with 1 cup of flour to one cup of cornmeal, add two eggs a 1/4 of canola oil, some cayenne pepper some white pepper, some garlic powder, parsley, sea salt, some onion powder and some Garam Marsala, it's usually in the indian stores or even Trader Joe's, you also need about 1 and a half cup of milk. Mix all dry ingredients together and season according to your taste buds. Afterwards add the milk and eggs and cornmeal/flour mixture together and stir until all the lumps have almost disappeared. Heat your Canola oil at about half stag for 10 minutes before placing fish in it. Cook fish for about 5 minutes on both sides on a lower heat setting, making sure you don't over cook the Salmon. Garnish Fish with Parsley and lemon wedges for some tasty eating.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Deep Fried Tilapia with a twist!

Get yourself about a pound of Tilapia fillets, with some cornmeal, white or yellow however you like it, keep some salt, pepper, cayenne pepper, paprika, garlic powder, onion powder, accent to enhance your flavor and for the twist some crushed red peppers. Use about 2 cups of cornmeal and season with sea salt, black pepper, cayenne pepper, crushed red pepper, paprika, garlic and onion powder, and accent. Place all ingredients in a large bowl and stir with a wired whisk or a fork, stirring make sure all ingredients come together with the cornmeal, I always put the seasoning according to my taste buds, so taste after you add your seasonings, taste it to make sure it has enough of what you are comfortable with, get a deep enough skillet to fry your fish in and add about half a bottle of canola oil and turn fire on to about half stag, making sure your cooking oil doesn't burn. Let the oil warm up for about ten minutes and then place your fish fillets into the oil. Only two at a time, so your oil stay nice and piping hot. Cook each piece 10 to 12 minutes on each side making sure that you watch the cooking process so you don't over cook your fish. After fish is cooked, place on a couple of paper towels to drain all excess cooking oil, let stand for a couple of minutes before serving, add some of my delicious potato salad in the blog below this one and you are set for some tasty deep fried Tilapia, that's really delicious. Enjoy this recipe because I sure will tomorrow! And I forgot grab some molasses to dip your fish in that's the major twist to eating some southern deep fried fish.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Ken's good ole' fashioned creamy potato salad!

This is a great recipe that's been past down from my big cousin Anthony but the family calls him Amp. First you need about 10 to 12 potatoes if your cooking for 5 or more people. If it's just something for one or two people then use about 4 to 5 potatoes only if you're looking to have some left overs for the next day! Pick up a jar of Del Monte or any other sweet relish of your preference, add 8 to 10 eggs, about 1/2 a cup of sugar or more if needed for taste that you like, Lawry's seasoning salt, mustard, Kraft sandwich spread (or whatever type of sandwich spread that you like), Best Foods/Hellman's mayonnaise, a whole onion, two stalks of celery, and black or green olives if you want them, if not exclude them and go on with the recipe. Make sure boil the eggs for about 10 to 12 minutes, which account's for about one minute for each egg, but each egg actually needs 10 to 12 minutes. Boil potatoes on medium to high heat until potatoes start to show a crack in them and then you know they're done. Place eggs in the sink under cold water for about five to seven minutes, this helps to make the egg come out the shell very easily. Place potatoes under cold water for about 5 to 7 minutes as well, make sure you peel potatoes before placing them in a large bowl, and peel the eggs as well, making sure no shell or shell particles is left on the eggs. Now you want to smashed the eggs up with a large fork, a smasher, a food processor or even your hands as long as they are clean you have my permission! Squish the eggs in the potatoes, getting them down to a creamy mashed potato consistency. Add the mayonnaise, the mustard, the sandwich spread, the celery, the relish, sugar, seasoning salt, and olives if you want! A great tasting salad it will be just don't add to much of the seasoning salt. Stir up all ingredients with a big wooden spoon or place ingredients in your food processor and stir until all ingredients come together, after you finish add a few dashes of sweet paprika and watch your potato salad come to life, this is a great side dish for fish and it really complements any fish dish, It is absolutely delicious!

Country Fried Catfish Fiddlers at it's best!

I'm so elated to give you guys this wonderful recipe for a whole fried catfish, which is called a catfish fiddler. Remember fiddler's are about a couple of pounds in weight, so don't over do it with the big size catfish. Although this recipe probably could work for it, so if you prefer the bigger catch then by all means go for it! First thing you need is about 2 to 5 two pound whole catfish fiddler's, about two cups of yellow cornmeal or white if that's what works for you, a big deep frying skillet and some good old fashion lard. Place the cornmeal in a nice round bowl that'll hold at least one fiddler at a time. Add garlic powder, onion powder, sea salt, paprika, black pepper, cayenne pepper and a good creole seasoning, remember always taste your seasonings to come up with the taste that you're looking for. Mix all the seasonings with the cornmeal and stir until it's combined thoroughly, turn skillet with oil on a medium setting, let heat up for about 5 to 7 minutes making sure it's hot enough to cook the fish in,and then place fish in skillet gently. When coating the fish, roll around making sure that the fish is heavily coated with cornmeal seasoning and cook for about 10 minutes on each side at a medium heat. Then place a top on the skillet after placing the fish in the oil, this helps the fish to cooked all the way through. Let simmer for 10 minutes before turning over. Fish is done when each side have a crispy golden brown coloring. Now when I cook my fiddler's I love them crispy so I cook them about an extra 2 to 5 minutes on each side, making my fish simply irresistible. Please let me know how this mouth watering recipe turned out for you, because it always turns out great for me! Enjoy my wonderful recipe and make sure you share some with friends or family they will be so happy that you  invited them for this mouth watering fish!

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Delicious beer battered fish

First and foremost you will need one can of your favorite beer and about 8 to 10 Cod or any fish that has a thick enough flesh to hold up while being fried. About 1 1/2 to 2 quarts of Canola frying oil, sea salt, black pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, sweet or smoky paprika, 1 cup of flour 1/2 cup of milk, 1 egg and 1/2 cup of crushed Ritz crackers and if you like a little spice try adding a couple of dash's of red pepper. Remember I like tasting my seasonings to make sure you have the right taste you're looking for, so I'm suggesting you do the same. After perfecting the taste you're looking for, then it's time to mix all ingredients together and put them in the batter. Believe me when I tell you that this is absolutely delicious, you will be intrigued. Here's to good eating, and don't forget to cook on medium heat and keep cooking until golden brown on each side!

Friday, October 4, 2013

Crispy and Delicious Fried Fish

First you get yourself some lard, I know it's fattening but it's really good when frying fish. Secondly you get yourself some Panko bread crumbs and some Ritz crackers, and then you put one cup of milk to one cup of the Panko bread crumbs and one cup of Ritz crackers, season with garlic powder, onion powder and dill weed, also sea salt and black pepper. Stir all ingredients in with two eggs and with a half of teaspoon of parsley. Make sure you heat the skillet to about 1/2 stag, try not to have the settings to high. Cook both sides until golden brown on low heat setting, don't rush the cooking time let it cook thoroughly and about 5 to 7 minutes on each side and believe me when I tell you, you will have some crispy and delicious tasting fish. All recipes are also good with Oysters, Scallops and Shrimps. Enjoy your delicious fish dish!